Friday, February 19, 2016

This Car Never gets Dirty

Nissan has developed a self-cleaning car, which repels dirt, liquids, dust and anything else that sticks to our cars and contributes to the dreadful task of cleaning them.

I don't know about you, but i'm on board with this idea, specially since I have a dar colored car, which shows how dirty it is much faster than white cars.

Now this is what I call innovation!

Watch the video below.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A coat that transforms into a tent for refugees

Design students at the Royal College of Art have invented a coat that can be turned into a shelter for an adult and a child.

This garment is made of Tyvek, a material which is strong, light and water-resistant and its inside contains pockets which can be used to store documents, phones and money.

The prototype was made by Gabriella Geagea, Anne Sophie Geay, Cassie Buckhart, Eve Hoffmann, Anna Duthie, Jess Wang, Hailey Darling, Zara Ashby, Ruben Van den Bossche, and Giulia Silovy, with the mentoring of clothing brand Wall.

Watch the video below to learn more about this innovative project. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

5 Stunning Watches

The wristwatch has been a favorite accessory for a long time.
Designers have outdone themselves with these models.





Video: The Art of Innovation

Guy Kawasaki gives a talk through TEDx about innovation.

7 Amazing Things that were 3D Printed

Today's technology allows us to do things we didn't even imagine 10 years ago.
Even if 3D printers aren't much of a new thing, there are people who have taking this instrument to a whole new level to create incredible objects.

This video shows 7 of the greatest things done with the printer.
Some are weird and some are changing industries but we have to admit that their creativity is in a whole new level.

Decorating with a 3D Printer

3D printers aren't something very new, but everyday creative people find new ways to use them and create beautiful and unique objects.
I found some home decoration ideas that were made with 3D printers and thought they were too good not to share.

Here are my favorite.
Christmas Ornaments
Keep your fruit fresh in this elegant Holder

Drink your morning coffee in this beautiful mug

Or never misplace your keys again with this design 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Impressive Photos of Natural Phenomena around the World

Polar Stratospheric Clouds

Great Blue Hole: Belize


Monarch Butterfly Migration: Mexico

Dirty Thunderstorms


 Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park, China

Frozen Methane Bubbles: Alaska
