Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Human Mind

The mind is an interesting subject for me.

I constantly find myself investigating new tools, discoveries and studies about it.

Here are my recent findings.

The Future is Here
According to Network Computing, researchers announced this February that they created a wireless brain-computer interface that can be fully implanted in the head of a monkey. According to the paper published by the researchers, two primates had working devices in their brains for a total of 27 months combined. The devices successfully transmitted "neural data" from the primates' brains to a computer that recorded the output of the devices. Wrote the authors "Our introduction of a wireless interface capable of untethered broadband neural data collection beckons use in other clinical diagnostic applications."
I don’t know how to feel about this one yet, what do you think?

Fun Fact:
The human brain is the number one consumer of energy generated in the human body. using 20% of total energy. The brain represents 2% of total body weight.
This energy is equivalent to 25 watts, enough to illuminate a light bulb.
It is believed that, we use only 10% of our brain. This is a misconception since every part of the brain has a known role.

When we have something to fight for, such as family, religion and values we feel more motivated to achieve specific goals in life. But uncertainty in our beliefs sometimes creates obstacles in our path.
Keith Raniere has discovered that by rationally examining conflicting beliefs may improve your ability to obtain your objectives. That’s why he created a method called Rational Inquiry, which provides tools to help individuals discover and use their potential.

There is a mobile App called “Brain Workout” which focuses on keeping your brain active with 4 different activities: Focus, Reaction, Accuracy and Memory.
You can analyze your abilities and track your results.
You can Download it here

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