Friday, February 19, 2016

This Car Never gets Dirty

Nissan has developed a self-cleaning car, which repels dirt, liquids, dust and anything else that sticks to our cars and contributes to the dreadful task of cleaning them.

I don't know about you, but i'm on board with this idea, specially since I have a dar colored car, which shows how dirty it is much faster than white cars.

Now this is what I call innovation!

Watch the video below.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A coat that transforms into a tent for refugees

Design students at the Royal College of Art have invented a coat that can be turned into a shelter for an adult and a child.

This garment is made of Tyvek, a material which is strong, light and water-resistant and its inside contains pockets which can be used to store documents, phones and money.

The prototype was made by Gabriella Geagea, Anne Sophie Geay, Cassie Buckhart, Eve Hoffmann, Anna Duthie, Jess Wang, Hailey Darling, Zara Ashby, Ruben Van den Bossche, and Giulia Silovy, with the mentoring of clothing brand Wall.

Watch the video below to learn more about this innovative project. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

5 Stunning Watches

The wristwatch has been a favorite accessory for a long time.
Designers have outdone themselves with these models.





Video: The Art of Innovation

Guy Kawasaki gives a talk through TEDx about innovation.

7 Amazing Things that were 3D Printed

Today's technology allows us to do things we didn't even imagine 10 years ago.
Even if 3D printers aren't much of a new thing, there are people who have taking this instrument to a whole new level to create incredible objects.

This video shows 7 of the greatest things done with the printer.
Some are weird and some are changing industries but we have to admit that their creativity is in a whole new level.

Decorating with a 3D Printer

3D printers aren't something very new, but everyday creative people find new ways to use them and create beautiful and unique objects.
I found some home decoration ideas that were made with 3D printers and thought they were too good not to share.

Here are my favorite.
Christmas Ornaments
Keep your fruit fresh in this elegant Holder

Drink your morning coffee in this beautiful mug

Or never misplace your keys again with this design 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Impressive Photos of Natural Phenomena around the World

Polar Stratospheric Clouds

Great Blue Hole: Belize


Monarch Butterfly Migration: Mexico

Dirty Thunderstorms


 Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park, China

Frozen Methane Bubbles: Alaska


4 Rare and Beautiful Stones and Minerals

Nature never fails to surprise us. The combination of colors and shapes that surround us ir truly a gift.

Stop for a minute to observe what is around you and you'll be amazed of what you'll see once you start looking at the details. You'll be amazed.

This post has pictures of rare and beautiful minerals that will make you wonder about all the mysteries of nature. See it for yourself.

Black Opal Lightning Ridge
 Burmese Tourmaline
 Titanium Quartz

Macro Photography

Because "Details create the big picture." - Sanford I. Weill

This eye-catching photos show a whole new world through common things.




Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Kitchen Tools to Save Time

Cooking is, for some, a stressful task. It involves a lot of measuring, peeling, dicing, and worst of all, cleaning, and sometimes it makes us wonder: Is all this really worth it?

Fortunately, some brilliant minds have dedicated their time to design gadgets that can save us time and make cooking a little easier for everyone. 

This inventions will keep you in the kitchen experimenting with recipes and actually enjoying it.

1. When will my steak be ready? With this tongs you'll be able to get your BBQ meat done right every time.

2. This beautiful All-in-One Cutting Board will make dicing an actual fun activity.
3. Do you find it hard to know the exact portions to eat? This Digital Scale doesn't only give you accurate measurements, it also provides nutritional information and adapts to your personal diet.

4. Garlic cloves are a true danger for cooking. When you cut them it seems like the smell will stick for months, which isn't something people look forward to. Fortunately there is a new tool thanks to Joseph Joseph Rocker that makes this job a lot easier and less smelly. 

The Human Mind

The mind is an interesting subject for me.

I constantly find myself investigating new tools, discoveries and studies about it.

Here are my recent findings.

The Future is Here
According to Network Computing, researchers announced this February that they created a wireless brain-computer interface that can be fully implanted in the head of a monkey. According to the paper published by the researchers, two primates had working devices in their brains for a total of 27 months combined. The devices successfully transmitted "neural data" from the primates' brains to a computer that recorded the output of the devices. Wrote the authors "Our introduction of a wireless interface capable of untethered broadband neural data collection beckons use in other clinical diagnostic applications."
I don’t know how to feel about this one yet, what do you think?

Fun Fact:
The human brain is the number one consumer of energy generated in the human body. using 20% of total energy. The brain represents 2% of total body weight.
This energy is equivalent to 25 watts, enough to illuminate a light bulb.
It is believed that, we use only 10% of our brain. This is a misconception since every part of the brain has a known role.

When we have something to fight for, such as family, religion and values we feel more motivated to achieve specific goals in life. But uncertainty in our beliefs sometimes creates obstacles in our path.
Keith Raniere has discovered that by rationally examining conflicting beliefs may improve your ability to obtain your objectives. That’s why he created a method called Rational Inquiry, which provides tools to help individuals discover and use their potential.

There is a mobile App called “Brain Workout” which focuses on keeping your brain active with 4 different activities: Focus, Reaction, Accuracy and Memory.
You can analyze your abilities and track your results.
You can Download it here

Friday, January 29, 2016

4 Apps that are changing Industries

Airbnb has changed the game for travelers all around the world, creating a platform where people offer their houses as an alternative form of lodging. 
Using this app you'll be able to find a place to stay in almost any city, and with the help of search filters you will find the place that adapts better to your needs.

Starting in San Francisco, Uber is changing the transportation industry. You can order car service with your phone, where a driver will pick you up and take you to the desired place. This is a cheaper and safer option for people to move around and thanks to the competition it has created with taxi services many countries are fighting against it. 
This service is available in 58 countries and is constantly creating more options for its costumers.

This app is based on ephemeral messages: Once you see them, they disappear, you can't save them. If you make a screenshot of the sent picture, the sender will be notified.
This app has around 100 million daily users, and many companies feature interactive content in their Discover section.

This app helps people keep track of their meals and workouts with the help of artificial intelligence. It has become a great help for those who want to start a healthier lifestyle.
With Lark you'll feel like you're talking to a personal health coach.

Car Innovations

It seems like self-driving cars are the tendency for the future. Many brands are starting to bet on this by designing new features that adapt to this technology.

Here are some of our favorite concepts:

Tesla Autopilot
Tesla says that While truly driverless cars are years away, their Autopilot function works like the systems that airplane pilots use when conditions are clear. 
To read more about this proposal click here.

BMW Display Key
This key model allows you to check fuel levels and service requirement, and controls the parking feature. It can also be charged wirelessly. 
To read more, click here.

Imagine a car that detects your stress levels and gives you a massage if necessary. This is the proposal  made during the Connected Car Expo in Los Angeles by Faurecia and Stanford's University Center For Design.
The car measures several factors like heart-rate and alert the driver through a tablet that a massage is advised. Click here for more information

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Coffee Lovers, This post is for you

As i like to say: Coffee is life. There are a few people, or maybe a lot, that just love a good cup of coffee to the point where it becomes a small addiction. For example, I can't really begin my day until I've had a good dose of black coffee.

Here are the coolest gadgets that will bring your coffee drinking experience to a whole new level.

Imagine waking up to the smell of coffee. With Barisieur, you'll get to do that every single morning

Say goodbye to cold coffee with Mr.Coffee Mugwarmer.

Foam Lover? Get Creative with this 3D Latte Foam Pen

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Challenge Accepted

Thanks to technology we have many opportunities to expand our knowledge. 
From mobile apps to specialized courses, there are no more excuses to stay unmotivated.

Here's a list of some interesting learning methods we found:


Rosetta Stone is an interactive software designed to accelerate language learning. The company uses cloud-based programs which allows students to learn online through smartphones or tablets, helping schools, businesses, government organizations and millions of individuals around the world.

Duolingo is a free smartphone app which can be used to practice any language you want to learn through various writing, pronunciation and reading activities for all learning levels.
This app is available for Android and IOS devices.

Personal Development

Executive Success Programs was created to empower people and help them achieve their personal and professional goals through a method called Rational Inquiry. They have helped over 15,000 people improve their life with their programs.

LearnItLive is a platform that offers online personal development courses on subjects like relationships, motivation and organization. Students learn through live stream video sessions. 
This site offers courses for individuals and organizations.

Changing the World, One Invention at a Time

This post is dedicated to companies that deserve a round of applause for coming up with solutions to social issues.

Alejandro Aravena, a chilean who works with Elemental, an architecture group that aims to tackle poverty designed a scheme to make the most of a small budget by building partial structures, which can be completed by their residents when they need to.



Vestergaard is an international company dedicated to improving the health of vulnerable people, most of whom live in developing countries. One of their most important inventions is the LifeStraw; a filter that turns contaminated water into clean, drinkable water. 

