Friday, January 29, 2016

4 Apps that are changing Industries

Airbnb has changed the game for travelers all around the world, creating a platform where people offer their houses as an alternative form of lodging. 
Using this app you'll be able to find a place to stay in almost any city, and with the help of search filters you will find the place that adapts better to your needs.

Starting in San Francisco, Uber is changing the transportation industry. You can order car service with your phone, where a driver will pick you up and take you to the desired place. This is a cheaper and safer option for people to move around and thanks to the competition it has created with taxi services many countries are fighting against it. 
This service is available in 58 countries and is constantly creating more options for its costumers.

This app is based on ephemeral messages: Once you see them, they disappear, you can't save them. If you make a screenshot of the sent picture, the sender will be notified.
This app has around 100 million daily users, and many companies feature interactive content in their Discover section.

This app helps people keep track of their meals and workouts with the help of artificial intelligence. It has become a great help for those who want to start a healthier lifestyle.
With Lark you'll feel like you're talking to a personal health coach.

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